What is MetaPortal?
At its core, MetaPortal is simply a community with a shared vision and an internet bank account. It emerged organically from DFC and AG working together on the Metaverse Index and realising it could become much more.
And its purpose?
The purpose of MetaPortal is to foster a community of infinite players within the Metaverse.
What defines an infinite player? On an individual level, it's someone who is here for the journey, not status or riches. Infinite players want to experience the Metaverse and contribute in their own way, determined to have a positive-sum effect with their interactions.
Can a brand be an infinite player? We like to think so. Fuelled by diverse revenue streams and an intrinsic curiosity, MetaPortal aims to contribute to the development of the Open Metaverse through various projects and initiatives. We think that the right attitude and an internet bank account (crypto wallet) are all a community needs to have a positive impact.
The MetaPortal community
There is only so much we can do as two people.
"If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together."
While MetaPortal is currently in its infancy, we will soon start looking for the community to help expand what we are capable of.
If the Metaverse seems like an interesting place to you, come chat to us about it on one of the social channels, most of the conversation takes place on Discord today. Join us here!
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